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Welcome to KsPrefs


KsPrefs is a SharedPreferences wrapper for Android applications. It has a powerful and flexible interface designed to provide unified and simplified primitives to access the Android SharedPreferences system. It offers a consistent syntax for reading and writing values, whilst parameterizing configurations (Encryption, Mode, Auto Save Policies, Commit Strategies) and enabling fine-grained control over the library's behaviour.


The library is built with different stages in mind, each taking input from the previous one:

graph LR
  I[KsPrefs API] --pull() / push()---> D(Dispatcher);
  D --encrypt---> E[Enclosure]
  E --write---> S[Storage];
  1. KsPrefs API allows developers to interface with the main primitives: pull and push, to read and write values to the storage, respectively;
  2. Dispatcher takes care of the type mapping and enforces the library specific configurations;
  3. Enclosure physically encrypts and decrypts the data to/from permanent storage;
  4. Storage is written to using the actual SharedPreferences APIs
